Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paris je t'aime

I arrived in Paris in the morning of 25th December of 2010.It was a snowing day, but beautiful for me. That was my first time in France.
The station was Gare Du Nor and we took a cab with a very friendly driver called Daniel .

                                                                   SNOWING  DAY !



                                      BEST HUSBAND IN THE WORLD !

The hotel we choosed was in Champs Elyssee. We got to a little tiny vintage room . As soon we got there I ran to open the window! For me was a surprise when I saw the view on my left hand side! EIFFEL TOWER , I thought to myself : " I own these to the best husband in the world : Dear John !!!
So we took a walk down to the monument in the most beautiful day I've ever seen ( rainy, cloudly and snow) ,and suddenly I saw myself in the top of Eiffel tower ! My dream came true ...I was in Paris in the top of the world ! The rest is history ...beijos

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